Stimulation in a sentence as a noun

If you watch people, there is a subtle but strong constant desire for stimulation.

What a trichromat call green is the result of the stimulation of both M and L cones.

Anyone who wants to see the dramatic impact of deep brain stimulation needs to see this video[1].

"The lack of stimulation seems to carry over into my relationships too. I have a hard time getting along with most people.

Because you're craving stimulation and you know carbonation tickles your mouth.

I'm really trying to get a grip on trans-cranial electric stimulation.

All of the same mechanisms and benefits apply as walking + a bit of stimulation via nicotine.

Certainly if pornography was only being consumed once a week then the rate of let's call it "stimulation inflation" can't have been that high, or can it?

I was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with my job role and the level of mental stimulation.

Is it that you need more stimulation?Then go to your employer, and without bringing up the other opportunity, see if they are willing to make the change that you want.

Researchers speak of anodal and cathodal stimulation, and the convention is that + is anodal and - is cathodal.

The whole point of war is probably evolutionary stimulation from a perspective of selfish-gene logic.

Well, it turns out fat can get stored without insulin at all, with the help of a little molecule called acylation stimulation protein [3].Nutrition is harder than it seems.

We use GitHub a ton, but every time I load the first page when trying to do something, my eyes dart across the screen, then a feeling of over-stimulation and weariness sets in.

Letters to the Editor: Treatment of major depression with transcranial direct current stimulation.

Researchers speak of anodal stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

One researcher has already reported that he can induce by brain stimulation a mystical or religious state, where subjects often report feeling they are in the presence of God.

Stimulation definitions


the act of arousing an organism to action


any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action

See also: stimulus stimulant input


(physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.)


mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse

See also: foreplay arousal