Steward in a sentence as a noun

A bad steward wants to engage the customer whether they want to or not.

Until we find such a steward, I think we should follow the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" maxim.

A really bad steward thinks the customer is too stupid to notice their coercive attempts at the latter.

He's somebody who's had a lot of great ideas from which so many great things have sprouted, but he's a terrible steward for those ideas.

I think the honest argument is, "because we don't think any one authority will be an adequate steward of the Internet".

I find it hard to have sympathy for Christopher Tolkien, who hasn't exactly been a model steward of his father's imagination.

The immediate value and historical importance of the content hosted on YouTube needs a better steward than Google.

If anything I see WebKit as an example of failing to steward an open source project on the part of Apple or the community as a whole.

Just because someone is the steward of a project does not mean they should be. This is perhaps one of the most valid reasons to fork!The LibreSSL team says that there were big problems on the tracker that languished for years, such as OpenSSL not working correctly when you disable their custom memory allocator.

" -- Ars"At the same time, as one of the largest archives of scholarly literature in the world, we must be careful stewards of the information entrusted to us by the owners and creators of that content.

Carmack was an excellent steward technologically, but from a business standpoint I think they were far outstripped by Epic in terms of being a business based on technology licensing.

He can sell overpriced software as a businessman all he wants, but once he becomes mayor his responsibility is as a steward of the public's money and to combat ridiculous overpriced projects such as mentioned here.

Apart from believing a public statement, do you have any reason to believe he will be a good steward of a journalistic entity?As far as I know, he has no experience in reporting the unbiased truth and a lot of experience in selling stuff.

Steward definitions


someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else


the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements


an attendant on an airplane


a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management


one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals

See also: custodian keeper