Standoffishness in a sentence as a noun

Everyone has been phenomenally friendly, which was a surprise, having grown up in Norfolk where standoffishness is the norm.

Perhaps because many employees of the company came from Mumbai I didn't experience Pune's typical standoffishness. I once was invited to a Pune home and the people were very welcoming and warm.

Where before there would be tension and standoffishness, attractive young women rarely hesitate to talk with me now, particularly when I'm with my kids. I like it much better this way, since 99% of the time I really wasn't interested anyway.

The contradiction he finds in their music—emotional depth plus standoffishness, sadness without warmth—is an insight that's obvious when you hear it, but not before. In an amusing conceit, he pretty much just skips over their mega period.

That sort of arbitrariness and inflexibility turn me off, not to mention the standoffishness of having people stare over your shoulder and judge you rather than work as collaborators. So I walked away from the interview.

But there's a standoffishness that makes it much harder to have that kind of easy confidence that you can call on people in an emergency and that they'll be respond." That section made me laugh, seriously, it's not because they think they are smarter and better, they just don't want to deal with the gov and be told what to do.

The psychology of special uniqueness gives many hipsters a feeling of power or dominion over other people and can give them an attitude of aloof standoffishness, a "I'm better than you because of the rare things I know about". It can appear a bit like the attitude of "cool".

From 1 and 2, it is only your politically correct / conversationally damaging standoffishness that creates your perception of "heated". This explains a lot really.

Often this impression of standoffishness is inaccurate, a result of cultural misunderstanding. Just like the non-interrupter’s impression that the interrupter is confrontational or rude is inaccurate, also a misunderstanding.

I think one of the most difficult aspects of having moderate-to-severe social anxiety is that people often misinterpret the anxious quietness as standoffishness — then of course after you've experienced that enough times you learn to compensate by being overly friendly or enthusiastic which ends up weirding people out just as much.

Standoffishness definitions


a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner

See also: aloofness remoteness withdrawnness