Remoteness in a sentence as a noun

It makes no sense to wire them, for remoteness or density reasons.

So that's better than the US, anyway, in terms of remoteness.

I fail to see how this leads to an interface that expresses the remoteness more in most of the cases.

And because of our remoteness, we don't have nearly that fast of a backhaul to the outside world.

I don't have anything to do with the Valley, but your remoteness from it doesn't help your post gain any clarity.

The water-cooler is where a lot of magic happens, and that's the first thing that you miss if your corporate culture doesn't embrace remoteness.

So, what attributes does an aircraft require in order to deserve to be called a drone?Is it the degree of remoteness of control?

Won't this just be another leaky abstraction[1] in which the remoteness of the data will be impossible to ignore[2]?

Companies do not want to alter any processes, team structures or responsibilities to explicitly deal with remoteness.

When I'm the only remote employee, and there isn't a culture of remoteness, I believe it's my job to have the discipline and do the extra work to stay connected, not the rest of the team's.

Grocery prices follow the same pattern—food is extraordinarily expensive, which you assume might have to do with the country's remoteness until you notice that local foods are just as overpriced.

Whereas in the US, small towns are still pretty well connected to the rest of the country with a solid interstate highway system and excellent freight rail, with decent basic amenities available everywhere, and high speed internet access, small towns in Australia can have crippling remoteness in an already remote country.

A thin metaphysical/epistemological distinction to be sure, but one that is relevant because when we need to trust our senses, we need to know our sensor limits, and when we need to trust remote sensors, extra-terrestrial remoteness is as remote as it gets, and its hard limits cannot be easily overcome once deployed.

Remoteness definitions


the property of being remote

See also: farness farawayness


a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner

See also: aloofness standoffishness withdrawnness