Stamper in a sentence as a noun

"Money Stamping – grab a stamper from your local office supply store and stamp a funny phrase along with your website address on it.

Do we really need to look at a cute librarianish book stamper to get us interested in serious issues?

Widgets of varying quality stream past you, coming out of the widget stamper, such that you only have time to grab, on average, one widget out of every ten.

I paid around $460 overall for the formation, agent, and all the documents neatly organized in a binder with a really nice rubber logo stamper.

Essentially, the computer knows computer and human isn’t meaningfully different from computer and rubber stamper.

Stamper definitions


a workman whose job is to form or cut out by applying a mold or die (either by hand or by operating a stamping machine)


someone who walks with a heavy noisy gait or who stamps on the ground

See also: stomper tramper trampler


a power tool that stamps; "a metal stamper"