Spots in a sentence as a noun

They needed to reinforce the spots that didn’t have bullet holes.

"[A guy in charge] said the military didn’t need to reinforce the spots that had bullet holes.

I'll call Bloomberg and see if they have any spots available for vacuous puff pieces.

Vignettes and hot spots, if subtly applied can control the eye, filter the entire scene, and control perceived depth.

But because they have their blind spots, just as every practice of inquiry throughout history has had its blind spots.

The US government is destroying one of the few bright spots in the American economy with its out of control military.

Abraham Wald suggested putting armour plate over places where no bullet hole had ever been observed, because those were the vulnerable spots.

Many nations have undergone similar transformations, and many of the newly elected leaders soon turn into despots.

I hate that heavy, dangerous, gas-guzzling honda civic with an over-sensitive brake pedal and enormous, completely pointless blind spots over both shoulders.

Stallman reminds me more of Steve Jobs than anyone else does: - 70's wunderkind - simple, clear belief about what computing should be - realized his vision, creating permanent improvement enjoyed directly or indirectly by every computer user - uncompromising in his determination to control his environment Personally I believe he has some major blind spots -- so did Jobs.

Spots definitions


spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vitreous humor and lens; "floaters seem to drift through the field of vision"

See also: floater