Spoke in a sentence as a noun

"One of my best friends spoke similarly when I met him after his tour as a Marine in the first Gulf War in 1991.

For centuries, Jews even spoke a language other than the vernacular.

Before you all rush to judgment again, notice the update at the end of the article:"Update: I spoke with Brian Chesky.

I spoke gibberish and if you had the misfortune of talking to me, you would probably find an excuse to get away.

"There was a long silence and then I finally spoke up and said, "Clearly, this company has its priorities in the wrong order.

He was brimming with enthusiasm for it: he was an absolute magician who spoke the secret language of Paper.

Every agent I spoke too was borderline rude and confrontational, and had the worst broken English of any oversees call center I've dealt with.

Afterwards, I spoke to some of them personally, they felt unbelievably rejected and worthless -- one suffered from depression and dropped out of work for a year.

I spoke with the government officials, I told them we were hurt by these baseless accusations, and they admitted that they really had no evidence of any wrongdoing.

It's one thing to risk burning your own bridges, but it's completely inconsiderate to possibly tarnish the reputation of someone who spoke up on your behalf.

The post says they spoke with folks at the Software Freedom Center, which is great, but I highly recommend finding a specialized attorney who's seen lots of applications and knows the right angle.

As I learned more about the company and its vision and spoke with Mark, the partnership not only made sense, but became the clear and obvious path to delivering virtual reality to everyone.

I'm just going to leave this here:When I was in Hong Kong, I spoke to my partner in [Rio de Janeiro] via Skype and told him I would send an electronic encrypted copy of the documents, Greenwald noted.

I really admired the way the you spoke about the Holden Outerwear company; receiving a C&D is a hard thing, but you handled it in a respectful and classy way by casting in terms of "if this could cause a good company harm then we shouldn't move forward.

Spoke definitions


support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim

See also: radius


one of the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder

See also: rundle rung