Splintering in a sentence as a noun

As for splintering, so do scientific schools or art schools or sports teams or companies, what's wrong with that? It's the market of ideas, like any other.

It just attempts to duck the growth problem by enabling splintering into sub-reddits, which in turn splinter, on and on. And instead of "leaving reddit" the way people just stopped reading /.

\nThe sciences already suffer from splintering, with the freedom of the web it would be even more tempting to remain in your own bubble.

I think splintering the platform before they are ready might be risky. Also you mention that Android support only came out for tablets after manufacturers had proven the demand for them...

Reddit solved this problem by splintering into different communities, and let them self-select.

With that in mind, how would one turn this splintering into manageable communities into a feature. There needs to be a way where there is automatic segmenting based on quality of commentary.

In fact, some of our best rooms have come from exactly this type of community splintering. We try to encourage small communities of like-minded people, rather than huge rooms in which everyone must play by rules that not everyone agrees with.

My loneliness nowadays is more centered around the splintering of between mine and my friends and acquaintances' goals and vision. Some of my friends are still going at it with early twenties vision of grad school, startups and traveling, albeit with some bruises and splints.

Interesting bit from the article: "The height of my porn watching was my adolescence -- high school -- when each relationship felt like a splintering slat on a long rickety bridge. Porn didn't just serve as an outlet for my sexual frustration; it was a steadying beam to fall back on."

Either way, I'd guess the US' motivation at this point is to make sure Assange gets punished and discredited -- and maybe even the discrediting and splintering of Wikileaks.

It is a technical issue because focusing all developer effort on one good thing produces better technical results than splintering it among a dozen mediocre things. Apostasy needs to be punished, and that's what Intel has done.

We're looking for someone to help us mature and grow the platform to cater for the varied needs of our clients while ensuring it remains unified and coherent and preventing it splintering into a million special cases. We are a bootstrapped startup which means we need our software to help us out as much as possible.

Ultimately, they prevent the formation of a communal polity that can work together on shared incentives rather than splintering into a fractal set of identities. This is a really good articulation of my feelings about it; better than I've managed so far.

In the last few decades, the world has seen the emergence of a litany of new countries, and he sees no reason why that splintering is going to slow down. “You’re going to get a much larger number of countries,” he said, before noting that the proliferation of nations could be a positive force in the long term, measured by a span of 100 years or more.

Also, for CF tubes, an outer layer of woven CF gives it a bit more resistance to splintering. Another way to achieve multi-directional strength is by laying unidirectional cloth alternatively in different directions.

Check your privilege" and similar anti-intellectualisms are internally thrown around like candy over any disagreement, new members are expected to prostrate themselves, and sub-communities are constantly splintering off and reemerging under new "leaders".

Because it has no firm unifying scientific principle, but instead relies on a collection of anthropological and archaeological observations taken out of context, coupled with a vague dislike for modernity, the paleo movement is busily splintering into dozens of mutually little hostile paleo-er-than-thou factions. Everything in a paleo bar, whatever it's made of, includes Scary Chemical Names.

You may not be able to control what people say about you and its hard to keep a movement from splintering, but if you go by the basic tenants of creating a popular mass movement with leadership, specific political objectives, and enough funds, I think it's very possible to get things accomplished.

Splintering definitions


the act of chipping something

See also: chip chipping