Litany in a sentence as a noun

It produces a litany of excuses for why this isn't true.

The comments I've received on my Reddit ads are a litany of haters.

Except if it was too large, it would cause a litany of problems with mail servers.- Toss is up on an FTP.

The litany of employee problems that he has to face because he cannot fire people is a nightmare and then there's the taxation.

There is a litany of shortcomings that come with the Craigslist apartment search; they are many and they are painful..."If you don't like the site, don't like the UI, and can't stand the UX, then don't use the site.

Food safety regulations exist as a result of a litany of preventable food-borne illnesses, ingredient fraud, etc.

As I pointed out above, with a link and everything, and as you yourself acknowledged in your original post, you've been given a litany of reasons why your proposed design is flawed.

I'm done with movie theaters full of loud other people who aren't me, and the litany of other issues that have been discussed to death from overpriced tickets, to concessions, to 3D projector woes and content.

As a perpetual underling, being subjected to a litany of leading and loaded questions to which one is expected only to "yes/no," in an gladhanding way, I read this post and thought "look, just get to the point.

When you combine a man who is probably insecure since he searches for dates on craigslist and a woman with a litany of mental issues you generally have a codependent relationship.

People who work hard to make a dent in the universe will anyway, and people who just mess around don't really get much done at work anyway, so why keep up the charade?This is typical libertarian claptrap, from the Skilled White Male litany.

You have to look beyond the connotations because it's much too easy to hide a predisposition to reject anything a certain gender says behind a litany of jargon and adequate explanations, smartly avoiding trigger words that connote the sexist intention.

To prove the author's own point that he/she doesn't understand the scale of a company which serves one billion people?My humble suggestion is this: next time, if you don't have a good reason to recite publicly a litany of unfounded assumptions about an entire country and people, don't -- write something like this instead:> Incredibly impressive.

Every time I read a "scathing" attack on C/C++ for being the worst language the author ever heard of, I hear Jack Sparrow's reply in my head "Ahh... but you have heard of me".Somehow despite the litany of crippling deficiencies, C/C++ have managed to be the foundation of every piece of technology a consumer or a computer professional will ever touch in their daily life.

Litany definitions


any long and tedious address or recital; "the patient recited a litany of complaints"; "a litany of failures"


a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation

See also: Litany