Spiritualist in a sentence as a noun

From a spiritualist point of view, though, it could either go very well or very badly.

It's not ridiculous to not want to chase yet another spiritualist rabbit-hole.

I am reminded of the theosophical and spiritualist fads of the early 20th century.

This sounds very interesting, along the lines of the spiritualist mania of the late Victorians.

Spiritualist in a sentence as an adjective

Not saying that we understand every way a business can be run, but this is like spiritualist sociology.

While he understandably didn't want people considering the spiritualist approach to faith, surely he must accept that at least Jesus would have been a spiritualist of some sort?

Aaaaand it's a bunch of unsubstantiated spiritualist gibberish.

The mindset that there is a knowable and optimum equilibrium for complex systems is something I find increasingly puzzlingThere's a split in environmentalism between the "deep green" who want nature to be left alone and tend to have a spiritualist approach, versus the "bright green" technocratic management of ecosystems.

Spiritualist definitions


someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead; "he consulted several mediums"

See also: medium sensitive


of or relating to or connected with spiritualism

See also: spiritualistic