Spice in a sentence as a noun

Compare to old spice throwing up videos in half an hour.

You can add curry spice or other herbs for variety.

To me it sounds like ******** being invented by a reporter trying to spice up a story.

To spice things up, they don't tell you what n and m are either, just the price to play and whether you get the item.

Spice in a sentence as a verb

When you read that wine has "hints of spice and plums" or whatever, it's just a way of describing the profile to you and what you might be able to expect.

It's a powerpoint, doubtless put together by a middle-manager who thought some clipart would spice things up. Internal presentations at pretty much every company I've worked for have been just as tacky.

Also, by maintaining ties between these disciplines, it is possible to present a more unified view of mathematics, yet at the same time to include more spice and variety.

Spice definitions


aromatic substances of vegetable origin used as a preservative


any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring food


the property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored

See also: spiciness spicery


make more interesting or flavorful; "Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer"


add herbs or spices to

See also: zest