Plankton in a sentence as a noun

The basic theory is the plankton grow, turn CO2 in to plankton, which get eaten.

I was about to stop reading when you said it's because of plankton... I'm glad I didn't!

We've had a reasonably long ride up from the bottom; seems about right time to sell as the plankton buy.

From bacteria and plankton to blue whales: their mere existence means death to others.

The artificial plankton bloom may absorb some CO2 but how permanent is that?

They tried it and the number of predators just a level removed from the plankton increased to offset the bloom.

And I realized that I had lived my life as a plankton up until then, and it had not resulted in much happiness.

So if this article is vaguely trendsetting plankton going back in to the market to buy, thats a major sell signal.

Seems much more likely that it's a case of contamination - this plankton lives in the belly of shrimps and other seafood.

I was always reacting what was happening to me, and letting people push me around much like ocean currents push plankton around.

Only a tiny part of the dead plankton will make it to the bottom, most falls apart in the top layers and the CO2 will stay in circulation.

Phytoplankton produce 40 per cent of the oxygen in the atmosphere, for example, and 90 per cent of all life is in the oceans.

But it attracts plankton, which is a wide category of organism - some plankton can reproduce.

Solutions like "let's stuff the oceans full of iron to grow plankton to absorb CO2", even assuming they work as intended, have the problem that they are irreversible.

The article: "The most intriguing discovery made by the Kola Superdeep Borehole researchers was the detection of microscopic plankton fossils four miles beneath the surface of the earth.

Just like the classic stories of you know its time to sell when your shoeshine boy owns stocks in late 1920s or your hairdresser owns multiple california houses in mid 2000s, if the plankton are being encouraged to go all in, that is a very strong sell signal for those who know how to to listen.

What if we cause some imbalance that doesn't immediately manifest any problems but has a detrimental longer term effect?I do take your point about space mirrors and the ability to experiment, though - certainly more appealing than man-made plankton blooms shudder - and I think you hit the nail on the head with respect to the political issues!

Plankton definitions


the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that float or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt water