Spheroid in a sentence as a noun

If it's an oblate spheroid, then it's not a sphere.

If it's slightly pear-shaped, then it isn't an oblate spheroid.

Suddenly a group of people show up with oval spheroid and claim you should be able to use your hands.

An oblate spheroid shaped globe for that extra degree of accuracy.

Can filmgoers still see the details of the spheroid attack vehicles from Attack of the Clones in their minds eye?

30km off a spheroid of radius ~6000km means gravity is essentially what it is at the surface.

Unfortunately it was assumed that the earth was a prolate spheroid, when actually it is oblate.

We ought to be able to detect such civilizations by looking for non-spheroid planets?

My example: GPS data gives altitude above the spheroid; KML requires altitude above the geoid.

If "moving" includes "rotating": We can tell the Earth is rotating because its shape approximates an oblate spheroid, not a sphere.

Do they lose just as many points as the person who said sphere or do they get partial credit for being closer to the correct answer of "oblate spheroid"To put it differently, would I get a better score in OS design than Linus Torvalds?

But I do know that with the help of science we can figure that the earth we live on is spheroid and revolves around the sun, and I know that the Bible hints slightly at a vastly different conclusion, or at least it was interpreted to do so at one time.

Would he appreciate an intelligent guess?If I didn't know how much a square foot of air weighed, could I represent it with x and then give a formula?If he asked me who discovered the south pole and I asked him to clarify whether he meant who first reached the south pole, who first postulated that the earth, being spheroid, must have a southernmost extremity, or who first realized that the earth produces a magnetic field, would he be impressed or merely annoyed?I'd be more interested to know how he reacted to the answers than the fact that he asked the questions.

Spheroid definitions


a shape that is generated by rotating an ellipse around one of its axes; "it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid"