Spendthrift in a sentence as a noun

"Why do I have to keep up with my spendthrift neighbors?

A spendthrift with great social connections is still poor.

Well I would say that savings driven life is far better than the spendthrift side of things.

Gotta reign in those spendthrift defense contractors, after all.

Spendthrift in a sentence as an adjective

Therefore it is likely that spendthrift wives will expand the fashion and cosmetics markets for some time.

Some people have spendthrift relatives and acquaintances always on the lookout for loans.

If, and that's a big if, you aren't a spendthrift you can live relatively comfortably on European levels of welfare.

Growing up she would be fine for a year, then gradually become more active and paranoid and spendthrift, then be hospitalized for several months, and then start the cycle over.

Spendthrift definitions


someone who spends money prodigally

See also: spend-all spender scattergood


recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures"

See also: extravagant prodigal profligate