Spender in a sentence as a noun

One $1000 spender is worth 20 people who rave over $5 boxes.

I've got 350GB of Steam games installed on my Windows machine, and I'm not a big spender on games.

I'm not frugal, but neither am I a crazy spender either.

Many of them may be trying to impress cute baristas by being a big spender.

A responsible spender should make closer to $120,000 to be spending $2250/month on rent.

Apple is the top spender on R&D, as a percentage of its revenue.

Two, how often is a responsible spender gonna need that card as a lender of last resort?

You'll usually get better service just about anywhere if you look like a big spender or if there is PR at stake.

[3]The AMA is typically the biggest spender among lobbying groups in the health care sector.

The article says Google was the second biggest spender in support of net neutrality, and the only one in the top 5 on the pro side.

That's the difference between the people who try to bully a clerk and claim they are a big spender and someone who is actually a big spender.

I agree it can be better, but if you're a big brand spender like McDonald's, Nike or Target, you're targeting just about everyone.

"According to article, 'once a consumer has been marked as a spender, the game difficulty ramps up massively, shifting the game from a skill game to a money game .

Some of it was transferred from one person to another, for the enjoyment of the spender, and resulted in goods that have much lower value to the market in general than to the original purchaser.

Once again, this doesn't need to be a black and white world as the spender of last resort, the government can provide liquidity and resources to individuals, small companies, and large companies when no one else is willing to take the risk.

Spender definitions


English poet and critic (1909-1995)

See also: Spender


someone who spends money prodigally

See also: spendthrift spend-all scattergood


someone who spends money to purchase goods or services

See also: disburser expender