Spelt in a sentence as a noun

This is the worse thing I've read since they spelt all that salt into the ocean.

"Yep, he gave this guy Strunk and White and spelt grammar incorrectly.

There's an imbalance there that has always spelt epic fail.

Granted the tax code is unwieldy and complex, but the intent is pretty clearly spelt out.

Sorry, after 25 years of pronouncing it the way it's spelt, "GIF" is too ingrained - I simply cannot pronounce it any other way.

As long as we're continuing to be cranky about spelling, "spelt" is a perfectly valid British spelling of the past participle of spell.

If I were to define correctness, Gaddafi's name is spelt: Anything else is just a translation and it all means the same, despite being different.

Zifij, zokob, ...Looking at graphs, this could be a convenient way to generate short, pronounceable, easily-spelt, yet uncommon names for a new product or service that you want to launch.

That way, they will never learn, and we can continue to subjugate them, along with those for whom English is a first language, but cannot speak it correctly, probably because they were never taught that "should have" is not spelt "should of" and that their "they're"s aren't quite there.

Spelt definitions


hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed