Sovereignty in a sentence as a noun

I'd like to see a movement which clearly places the internet above the sovereignty of any nation

Transnistria is not listed, even though it has de facto sovereignty.

This is a ridiculous situation and as an Irish person I would say, a gross violation of our sovereignty.

But they cannot displace the sovereignty of people working through elected representatives to define law appropriate to the time and place we're actually living in.

Do you recall an incident that a nation threatens to violate sovereignty of another nation over questioning of sexual misconduct?!

Internet sovereignty should be a priority of any government interested in preserving at least some degree of national autonomy, and indeed neglecting to so after what has been made public would be either a sign of great weakness or of being a US-puppet government... or both.

It makes you wonder if those of us in wealthy democracies are actually experiencing a peculiarly 21st century form of passive aggressive oppression where we may be "free" but monitored and essentially feel helpless and the fact that these unknown hackers are able to duck and evade the same forces that can hunt and **** terrorists with disregard of sovereignty makes them look like folk heroes.

Sovereignty definitions


government free from external control


royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

See also: reign


the authority of a state to govern another state