Soppy in a sentence as an adjective

I find these overly soppy ads a bit baffling.

Being a soppy old Buddhist I try hard not to hurt any living creature.

I don't even mean in a slightly soppy 'everyone is a real person with real feelings' way.

Justice isn't a soppy feel-good, everybody hug now thing.

But they were ****** up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats.

But they were ****** up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another’s throats.

It was extremely basic - soppy romantic phrases in various shades of pink drifting slowly round the screen and bouncing off the edges.

Why start with vivisection, when we want to end with some kind of soppy "love on first sight, happily ever after" story?You don't work in a clean room to get clean.

I know we're not supposed to meme here, but the fact that you are essentially living an SNL send-up of a soppy Subaru commercial needs to be pointed out.

Already I see autism researchers have to precede their perfectly acceptable and even wonderful research with "Not that autistic people aren't wonderful, but..." That's a step, no, that's several steps down the road to where soppy-headed thinkers start babbling about "autistophobia" and run the researchers out of town on a rail.

I have a relative who acts as if the entire world is a soppy mid-day women's talk show and constantly play up their concern to an audience who is actually pretty OK with, say, a 12-year old riding a bike without having to express concern every time that they are going to hurt themselves.

Soppy definitions


wet through and through; thoroughly wet; "stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain"; "the speaker's sodden collar"; "soppy clothes"

See also: sodden


effusively or insincerely emotional; "a bathetic novel"; "maudlin expressions of sympathy"; "mushy effusiveness"; "a schmaltzy song"; "sentimental soap operas"; "slushy poetry"