Solely in a sentence as an adverb

Or is this solely in the realm of public policy?

You'll make money at this, but you can't rely solely on the press and the quality of your game.

The sad thing is, I think all of these companies could succeed solely on the strength of their work.

Relying solely on an implementation sealed inside a chip and which is impossible to audit is a BAD idea.

You can predict, with very high probability, the outcome of the game based solely on who's playing, and most people don't like being crushed by the same players over and over again.

The best part for me was that I did not have to focus on any one type of exercise: I did not gain 50 lb of muscle and lose all my flexibility, and I did not lose all my muscle mass by focusing solely on cardio.

Civil cases?Are we going to have a system of law and order where certain evidence is presented or not solely depending on the decisions of the executive branch?What this shows is that this NSA data thing just isn't bad, it's bad on multiple levels.

I appreciate the cheekiness of calling it the "Dark Mail Alliance", but from a purely PR perspective, it would make sense to reconsider your name if you are taking the position that encrypted end-to-end email is not solely an interest of those pursuing shady or deviant activities.

I did a polite debunk of the idea that Google used Facebook shares in our web ranking at the conference, leading to this section in the 2011 blog post: "Rand pointed out that Google does have some access to Facebook data overall and set up a small-scale test to determine if Google would index content that was solely shared on Facebook.

Solely definitions


without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"

See also: entirely exclusively alone only