Only in a sentence as an adjective

" I mean, I was joking, but no... the only API call we offer is to get someone's stream.

Am I the only one who thought "well, good for the Nest guys" followed by "too bad, it looked like a good product"?

All of the things I've listed I've done and it only made life difficult until I left for college.

Everything Steve says about Amazon is true, only, it was much worse.

You devote time and energy to a technology only to have it fail when you need it most.

"The only way to reverse a community’s greed is through generosity.

For example, apply it only to the top page at first, and reduce the number of endorsements required for display to 1.

When that calmed down and another officer came by to drop off someone else, I told him what had happened and his only response was "so?

Only in a sentence as an adverb

I mean, I assume they're not, given that Apps Script only works in Spreadsheet right now, and it doesn't even have keyboard shortcuts as part of its API.

This means, however, you are 7% likely to lose all the money, and we only make .9% margins, so this is going to be a No. We get that you don't like this.

I feel like it's almost a right of passage these days to rely heavily on a Google service, only to have something go wrong and be left out in the cold.

Another option would be to apply the endorsement system only after threads have reached a certain age so as to jump-start discussions.

"Given the right flavor of influence from our community, we can only hope that he will decide to return the coins with integrity as opposed to hiding like a coward.

I never liked the fact that their schizophrenic content releases would appear during a timed window, only to disappear from my list later before I actually got a chance to watch it.

But when your service says "oh yes, I'm fine", it may well be the case that the only thing still functioning in the server is the little component that knows how to say "I'm fine, roger roger, over and out" in a cheery droid voice.

"I was offered the chance to make a phone call, but the only number I even have memorized anymore is my mother's, and despite knowing that my friends were probably scared to death looking for me, I wasn't at the point of calling her.

Only definitions


being the only one; single and isolated from others; "the lone doctor in the entire county"; "a lonesome pine"; "an only child"; "the sole heir"; "the sole example"; "a solitary instance of cowardice"; "a solitary speck in the sky"


exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "I'll have this car and this car only"


and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"

See also: merely simply just


without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"

See also: entirely exclusively solely alone


with nevertheless the final result; "He arrived only to find his wife dead"; "We won only to lose again in the next round"


in the final outcome; "These news will only make you more upset"


except that; "It was the same story; only this time she came out better"


never except when; "call me only if your cold gets worse"


as recently as; "I spoke to him only an hour ago"