Snow-covered in a sentence as an adjective

A snow-covered road is a situation where: 1.

That's why people are praying for snow-covered dual lands, but honestly those will never see the light of day.

If you've ever watched cars drive by on a snow-covered road you know that most of the noise comes from the tires and the pavement.

But on snow-covered roads, they are more dangerous to you if you try to avoid hitting them than if you just keep going.

The cars still need to learn how to handle snow-covered roadsThat is going to be hard to pull off. For places that get a lot of snow, often you can't even be sure if you're on the road or not.

So much of it. Frozen great mounds of snow-covered hepatitis in winter, and stinking black fermenting vessels full of distilled evil in the summer.

The cars >still need to learn how to handle snow-covered roads, ...What if the car was smart enough to identify situations where it was unable to auto-navigate safely?

Fly into Schipol at the right time of year and Mondrian's inspiration becomes very obvious - black roads, snow-covered open fields, greenhouses with blocks of vivid color.

Stupidly enough, I replied to her "sure... these are modern cars, with fuel injection and smart oxygenation".The roads were covered with snow, and suddenly we got stuck in a snow-covered road.

"ABS generally offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces for many drivers; however, on loose surfaces like gravel or snow-covered pavement, ABS can significantly increase braking distance, although still improving vehicle control.

Snow-covered definitions


covered with snow; "snow-clad hills"; "snow-covered roads"; "a long snowy winter"

See also: snow-clad snowy