Sloping in a sentence as an adjective

Having a roof sloping towards a wall is a big no-no.

So if anything, it is a defense against a downward sloping trend.

The demand curve for employees is downward-sloping, right?

> All your doing is slippery sloping your way into a cynical Utopian future which exists only within your own psyche.

The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against.

For example, the bar on the 'e' is sloping a tiny bit upwards, which is a distinctive characteristic of Humanist typefaces.

If terrain is sloping or uneven, reflections can create an uneven glidepath causing unwanted needle deflections.

Essentially, researchers found numerous sloping terrain sites with ferrous and ferric spectrographic signatures that have been rising and falling with temperature.

You can point out the population has grown tremendously and also as the study states: "In a world without copyright, one would expect a fairly smoothly downward sloping curve from the decade 2000-2010 to the decade of 1800-1810... Instead, the curve declines sharply and quickly, and then rebounds significantly for books currently in the public domain initially published before 1923.

Sloping definitions


having an oblique or slanted direction

See also: aslant aslope diagonal slanted slanting sloped


having a slanting form or direction; "an area of gently sloping hills"; "a room with a sloping ceiling"