Sleepwalk in a sentence as a verb

You can choose to sleepwalk through your life, and accept the path that is laid out for you.

You can choose to sleepwalk through your life and accept the path that's been laid out for you.

The not guilty verdict of Kenneth, the sleepwalk killer, bothers me.

There should be something that even a veteran player won't just sleepwalk through right through the door.

Nowadays, a lot of people will sleepwalk through life and end up in a situation that they can't handle on a daily basis.

Girls who "hang out and shop", follow American Idol really really carefully, and sleepwalk through life are sane?

"It seems a lot of Android fanboys and "Google Openness believers" are sleepwalking us all into the next dark "Microsoft" chapter.

Too often people sleepwalk through life, only to wake up in their 40's and discover they've lost so much time and are disenchanted with the decisions they've made.

Let's not sleepwalk to a baseline of stuff we just do because everybody does it and because it's technically more complex.

I guess the jury gave the not guilty verdict because they felt it would be wrong for the defendant to be punished for a crime he committed while sleepwalking.

A normal girl who likes "shopping and hanging out with her friends", who sleepwalks through a boring shitty low-paying job, who doesn't exercise and doesn't take of herself... that's sane?

It's relatively easy to sleepwalk from Harvard into a career in finance or consulting, very difficult from even a very good state school.

But at the end of the talk, he explicitly contrasts his view--find a principle, find something you think is morally wrong, and fix it--with taking the path that is "laid out for you" by parents, teachers, corporations, whatever; he says "you can choose to sleepwalk through your life, but you don't have to.

Everyone knows I pay my rent by making bingo cards for elementary schoolteachers and bear no ill will for small businesses, right?If you are sufficiently skilled to create a popular iPhone app, you can sleepwalk your way into either $100k+ as a salaried engineer or $200+ an hour doing contracting work.

Sleepwalk definitions


walk in one's sleep

See also: somnambulate