Slating in a sentence as a noun

You are slating Marc Cuban, for doing whatever it took to succeed?

Yet a number of users on here are slating those that choose to work with known homophobes.

A lot of people will be slating Apple for sabotaging non-native apps, but it's really just a bug.

Sure, there's a nasty popular undercurrent of slating anyone who expresses doubt.

I remember a while back when 37s had a piece of hardware die, they posted on their blog slating rackspace for not dealing with it quickly enough.

If you look around facebook it's terrifying some of the rants you hear yet at the same time these people are slating the Nazis for their prejudice.

Interesting that the first comments are slating this for being cloud-based; in this particular case I think that's like slating Google for being cloud based.

If they'd written a long blog post slating my tea after ordering it, trying it fairly etc., then I would have been much more concerned with their opinions...

Interestingly, the journalist who wrote this article also wrote a terrible review of the Nexus 7 when it first came out slating the device with multiple inaccurate statements.

Which also means...o input for shooting logs from the AC/Sound teamo digital slating - again, this should be out front - scene/shot # and shot clock on an iPad or Android tablet are a no-brainer, and a key visual sell for your branding.

If they'd supported Firefox from the start everyone would be slating them for "crippling" Firefox, or they would have had a poor user experience that would turn a non trivial percentage of early adopters off the entire product.

Oren is the least bad of the three mentioned, but his "Ayende" blog at times is a little vicious when it comes to slating other people's work [1] especially when the sheer number of bugs we've tripped over in NH, Castle dynamic proxy and NH profiler is as high as it is.

The thing is that most open source software was designed for use by engineers for engineers and doesn't have a success criteria other than 'makes problem disappear'.formal usability testing is irrelevant on such things so stop muscling in your own concerns and slating them for a job done.

Slating definitions


thin layers of rock used for roofing

See also: slate


a severely critical attack; "the reviewers gave his book a sound slating"


the act of laying slates for a roof