Slackening in a sentence as a noun

RIM owns corporate sales, and that isn't slackening.

If those are curtailed due to slackening demand, quarantine and tariffs, how do they become the "big winner?

There's a certain slackening of facial expression and straightening of posture.

I think you might be underestimating the impact of slackening demand.

It would seem reasonable to think that age-related slackening of the skin may have something to do with this.

Pilots who pull back forcefully on the column — sometimes called the stick — might suddenly feel a slackening of resistance.

That type of slackening would normally disqualify an airframe from use as a Civil Transport aircraft according to the FAA final report on the matter.

"Maybe things will be different a year from now, if the economy continues to get worse, but so far there is zero slackening of interest among potential founders.

One might speculate that the special extra support afforded to women versus men in technical careers these days might lead to a similar slackening off in effort over time..

With slackening demand for many products that might be considered more discretionary, we're going to see a unprecedented move by producers to maintain price pressure.

The two are fundamentally different things, causing developers pain when doing local development and leading to security-slackening changes that make their way into production.

Slackening definitions


an occurrence of control or strength weakening; "the relaxation of requirements"; "the loosening of his grip"; "the slackening of the wind"

See also: relaxation loosening