Skimpy in a sentence as an adjective

"Wow, that's a pretty skimpy list of dependencies.

They annoy me as much as frat boys and drunk girls in skimpy clothes and people wearing leather collars.

I suspect Google makes more money from showing you ads than they would save on servers/bandwidth/etc by being skimpy.

The worst I saw was girls in skimpy dresses holding their heels in their hands as they walked a few miles home in the snow and ice.

If you want titiilating blondes with dragons in skimpy outfits, then get an HBO subscription..

Which brings up the exploitative effect where in the long run, no one will have service sector jobs except cute young women in skimpy uniforms.

The 32 GB SSD you get with the base model could wind up very cramped, these days; you do get a 64 GB SSD with the LTE model, but that's even pricier, and still a bit skimpy.

In this day and age do we still believe in these traditional gender roles, that only a man can be effective in a leadership position?And then some victim blaming: "Mayer didn't [...] [goad] the "dirty old man" with some low-cut top or skimpy outfit [...] But, of course, you weren't even wondering that, were you?

'Good liberal folk' in quotes, of course, because ogling someone who's so empowered she has to wear a skimpy uniform to keep her crappy minimum wage job doesn't strike me as particularly good or liberal.

Given that you see a jacket with a buxom woman in a skimpy dress being embraced by a leprechaun with Fabio-pecs, would you assume that this fact has no predictive value with regards to the question "Is this, in fact, a quality work of literature?

Because of the anticipation that the scientific literature, especially on humans, might be skimpy, a questionnaire was sent to a number of restaurant and grocery chains in the metropolitan Toronto area asking about shifts in customer purchasing behavior as a function of environmental heat.

Skimpy definitions


containing little excess; "a lean budget"; "a skimpy allowance"

See also: lean