Skeptically in a sentence as an adverb

There was an article I read a week or two go about how to talk skeptically to people. If I can find it I'll post it.

They looked at her skeptically until she pulled out a baggie with the dead widow in it. Then they treated her right away.

[1] So, the right thing to do is look at the education section skeptically. Did they work their way thru college?

Whatever the case, their accounts of Google should at least be viewed skeptically. So please apply some filters to such comments like: - does this person know what they're talking about?

I agree with the bit about developers looking at software skeptically. Most of us do indeed think it doesn't work, it's a gimmick, and it could have been built better.

Anyway, I always looked skeptically at claims that trying it once guarantees addiction after that.

You should also look skeptically at claims that having unprotected sex with possible HIV carriers guarantees that you will get HIV. But you should still put a goddamn ****** on.

Agreed, but they also should make us examine the regulation of taxi services more skeptically.

For those of you responding skeptically to Lionhearted's question, I'm in the business of helping these people exit the United States. At any given point I have four or five of these cases going.

I also approached the show very skeptically. However, the critique in the podcast was very good.

Sutt raised his eyebrows skeptically and took advantage of the pause, "I hope I am not of subnormal intelligence, but the fact is that your vague lecture isn't very illuminating." "It will become so," said Mallow."

Finally, the point of the blogpost is that all benchmarks need to be treated skeptically - there is no such thing as a perfectly unbiased benchmark. So we need to just be aware of that, and not consider any specific benchmark to be "the" benchmark of the modern web.

Many countries assume by default that "self-employed immigrant" means "doesn't have a job or want to get one" and/or "probably will sell ***** for a living", and treat the category more skeptically. But you can go self-employed once you get permanent residency.

Thinking logically, critically, and skeptically is an ungendered activity. Women are as capable of and welcome to it as men are; we should be encouraging the females of our kind to apply reason and evidence to their judgements!

TFA defends JPM and skeptically deconstructs the accusation, so this comment is forehead-slappingly stupid. If someone comes to an investment bank and asks for access to something that the investment bank knows is a fraud, and the bank provides it and takes the fee, while ending up short the fraud...

I highly encourage people to think skeptically and scientific as well using the self quantitative approach to self improvement, even when they're certain when their theory is right. For example, I am measuring blood pressure, steps count, weight, blood sugar level, awake and sleep time everyday.

So if someone reads it voluntarily but skeptically it is somehow a hostile reading by the definition you cite? It seems to me you are selectively ignoring the part where he explicitly declares voluntary reading not hostile.

While I can see the point that research from China is harder to verify in some cases, I think the statement "Papers coming out of China and Taiwan need to be regarded skeptically" goes a bit far. China has strengths in some fields, and even if research institutes in China are of lower average quality than their western counterparts, there remain some that are still of high quality.

The turnoff switch for Reader is an inflection point for Google towards Microsoftization; where they new product launches will be skeptically seen by hackers, and geeks. I went to my phone, and did a Google spring cleanup yesterday, by deleting all the stuff I didn't use, and thought Google would see a future; That is good for startups, they may attack Google product segments with ease, and we shall all PR for them and enjoy using them.

Managers don't understand these technologies well enough to take programmers' advice skeptically, so they have to listen to their engineers. Engineers want to make their CV's look nice and impress their managers, so they've got every reason to come up with excuses to use $HOT_NEW_TOY. As usual, everyone individually acting in accordance with their rational self-interest is not the same thing as everyone collectively acting in a way that produces ideal results for the parties involved.

Skeptically definitions


with scepticism; in a sceptical manner; "he looked at her sceptically"

See also: sceptically