Skeptic in a sentence as a noun

You are not "far from a climate change skeptic".

I'm a BitCoin skeptic with the best of them.

This is one skeptic who's hoping that he's wrong and that the inventor is right!

I'm a natural skeptic, so when everyone believes something I think that is the most important time to question it.

Something every "climate change skeptic" seems to frequently require when they quote "facts" or "statistics".

There's nothing ironic about a skeptic being wrong if he admits his mistake when presented with evidence to the contrary.

"There's nothing ironic about a skeptic being wrong if he admits his mistake when presented with evidence to the contrary.

I don't know why so many people keep missing the extra clues, including in this past weekend's skeptic/atheist brouhaha over Richard Dawkins being ignorant.

Disclosure, I'm generally a Facebook skeptic, but I don't think it can be denied that bringing in another CEO who focuses on money, money, money could end up crashing Facebook ten times faster than Zuckerburg could.

Skeptic definitions


someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs

See also: sceptic doubter