Brouhaha in a sentence as a noun

Background: I saw Miles' tweet on this last week but didn't follow the apparent brouhaha that followed.

For enterprise use, I haven't stayed up to date on what their response was to the brouhaha over the rapid release cycle stuff.

My impression from reading about the "brouhaha" here on HN is that people were mainly talking about the flaws of the policy itself.

Remember the gendered pronoun brouhaha against libuv?And no, Jacob is already bitching about pg's essay on his Twitter.

I don't know why so many people keep missing the extra clues, including in this past weekend's skeptic/atheist brouhaha over Richard Dawkins being ignorant.

Ask yourself: of the people involved in this whole brouhaha, whose code have you read?We are all very busy, and none among us has the time to read the code of every other individual.

> I've been speaking out about the Secure Boot brouhaha because there was effectively no evidence that they were actually attempting to lock anyone outNo evidence, just history.

Now for those of you new to this whole discussion, we should note that Mike editorial independence Arrington started this whole brouhaha by the obvious and blatant conflicts of interest he got himself in.

All this brouhaha over access to papers is a storm in a glass water if you ask me, instigated mostly by those who don't even need the papers but rather are looking for a big meany to pick an ideological fight with.

Not to mention the recent brouhaha in which Joyent facilitated forcing out one of the biggest nodejs contributors, an individual who incidentally happened to be an employee of their biggest competitor.

Brouhaha definitions


loud confused noise from many sources

See also: hubbub uproar katzenjammer


a confused disturbance far greater than its cause merits