Sister in a sentence as a noun

He found me through my mom's friends list, he found my sister through my friends list.

My sister's a french trained chef and I've been writing software most of my life.

Once my sister received all 30 cards they would spell out a Happy Birthday message to her.

I enlisted its help for my sister's thirtieth birthday.

Her sister saw the picture and long story short that was the last time she talked to her parents.

My sister in law is a public defender, she has managed to get cops that lie under oath fired.

Found my dad was not my biological dad and i was from the same sperm donor as my new sister.

I also wanted the postcard to show up at my sister's in pristine condition.

Reading about this disorder reminds me of my sister.

I send your posts and websites to my sister to encourage her down a similar path.

Canadian Dream is not as hyped-up as its bigger sister down south, but it has its fair share stories.

My mom, siter and I have talked about this, and my sister described being almost powerless - who would they play with?

My sister refused to be cynical, grappled with the texts and worked out some genuinely beautiful prose, and barely passed.

My family had a major falling out with my father, to the point where myself and my sister had a restraining order against him when I was 7 and she was 9.

[1] Full disclosure, by some odd coincidence she happens to be my sister and also did the industrial design for Lockitron so I am wayy biased here.

If there is intermingling of corporate and personal finances--whether this extreme or just the CEO's sister's law firm does the legal work--investors and co-founders need to fully understand and ensure it's arms-length.

Sister definitions


a female person who has the same parents as another person; "my sister married a musician"


(Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address); "the Sisters taught her to love God"

See also: Sister


a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group; "none of her sisters would betray her"


(slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women

See also: baby babe