Siss in a sentence as a verb

V=ZhzXKMqZBBc In most speedruns, player runs away like a sissy little girl. In this speedrun, players aim for 100% kills and 100% secrets.

It is not being a sissy to know your limitations and preferences and to work around them. If you make a commitment to another person, you should keep it.

I don't have any time to waste with sissy emotions. I'd argue that if anything, as engineers, we're even more addicted to emotions than anyone else.

> Just replace all the sexist jokes with gay jokes or sissy jokes or just about any other type of jokes men direct at one another to establish pecking orders within groups. You may want to consider hanging out with a different crowd...

This argument has been used to discredit Aaron as an activist, and at worst, to paint him as a spoiled sissy. But I'm not so sure that Aaron should be judged as a civil rights activist because I don't think he intended to promote his cause with civil disobedience.

Just replace all the sexist jokes with gay jokes or sissy jokes or just about any other type of jokes men direct at one another to establish pecking orders within groups. Reading this, it doesn't feel so much like the terrible sexism it's portrayed as, but more like reading about a clash of cultures.

Germany has had a very Bad experience with an excessively fragmented parliament in the Weimar republic, which led to constant Government breakups and reelections, paralysing the country politically and paving the way for someone who promised to do away with all that sissy democracy stuff... That's why the 5% threshold was established.

Siss definitions


express or utter with a hiss

See also: hiss sizz sibilate


make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval

See also: hiss sizz sibilate