Silliness in a sentence as a noun

It's legal silliness, but how is it at all bad?

Good thing this site doesn't tolerate that kind of silliness.

There were huge aisles of random throwaway junk, games and other silliness and two books on Chinese history.

But not being able to even -imagine- the target market is just silliness, because the Chromebook is a good product.

I'm only suggesting that you reconsider your view on his tactic, if only a delaying tactic, as an act of courage rather than silliness.

Hopefully this will be the case that gives Cook the ability to "gracefully withdraw" from Jobs' legal intifada against Android, and we can end this silliness for good.

Finding suitable tenants and dealing with repairs and other silliness, or paying a property management company that's often despised by tenants, isn't necessarily trivial.

Getting ready for it, reminds me more that maybe I'm not so trapped, and there is a path forward, paradoxically getting me to the point where I usually put aside the silliness after a while, with a freshly organized set of life surroundings.

Pedantic silliness aside, it was clearly an illustration of how frequency can amplify small probabilities to near-certainties, evidenced by the repetitive use of the one-in-a-thousand statistic.

Silliness definitions


a ludicrous folly; "the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior"

See also: absurdity fatuity fatuousness


an impulsive scatterbrained manner

See also: giddiness