Sightly in a sentence as an adjective

You could still base it on this concept if sightly modified

Title sightly inaccurate due to 80 char limit.

I got a Nexus One, with a sightly larger display and i considered it too small right from the beginning.

I believe your argument argument sightly miscounts the twin primes, since you're giving a new "chance" after you had already drawn a prime/not-prime.

For example, "immutable" sounds good till you run out of disk space because you have 1000 copies of a sightly different VM image in the system.

XCom: Enemy Unknown is $20 on iOS, only sightly cheaper than the PC version at the time of launch, and is a more-or-less straight port of the PC game.

Like the number 1 might be rendered with a 2-pixel width body, with one side sightly darker, because the layout system decided the glyph was to be rendered right between two pixels.

A complex series of checks and bounds before and after the changes have been applied and if anything sightly goes awry, revert back to the previous working condition.

If anyone actually has some issues understanding a sightly different but very well respected language, then the fault is mostly with that person and not the language.

I don't think this is something unique to the Javascript world people make sightly different eyeglasses, plates, houses, frameworks, libraries, programming languages, etc.

Because basements aren't as "livable" as the rest of the house, they are usually relegated to work benches, mini-offices, and the less-sightly kind of things you wouldn't want sitting out in your living room or cluttering up your closets.

Oh man, that would make for a fascinating alternate history – China discovers California and invades it sightly before Columbus discovers the Americas.

Sightly definitions


very pleasing to the eye; "my bonny lass"; "there's a bonny bay beyond"; "a comely face"; "young fair maidens"

See also: bonny bonnie comely fair