Sickening in a sentence as an adjective

The sheer lack of restraint involved in this raid is sickening. :/

But this is 100 percent the wrong reaction by Paul to the sickening -- sickening!

And once it's in, the thought of compromising yourself is sickening.

Tech companies and their approach to labor is just sickening.

> "who won a record 20-year sentence"I know this is common verbiage, but it's frankly sickening.

What a sickening sentiment you've seen fit to express publicly.

It is sickening to hear the same old argument from your direct manager that "sorry if I could, I would give you a better raise.

It is designed to _appreciate_ in value, but this encourages intense speculation that results in wild, sickening swings in the exchange rate.

As an IRC op, I find it sickening how often, particularly in online programming communities, people hear the word "female" and start acting like utter idiots.

Sickening definitions


causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

See also: nauseating nauseous noisome queasy loathsome offensive vile