Loathsome in a sentence as an adjective

I've seen this a few times over the past few years, and every time I find it loathsome.

For Trader Joe's to sue him for doing something that's completely within his rights is beyond loathsome.

These loathsome people have no respect for Britain's glorious history or traditions.

Even if there were an appropriate forum for such loathsome sentiments, hn is certainly not it.

Yes it is loathsome and horrible and it will take some time for it to disappear in the industrial India.

We can all succumb to temptations to do wrong on this or that occasion but it takes someone really loathsome to do what Best Buy's executives did here.

Their CS phone people are truly loathsome individuals, seemingly on a never ending mission to patronize the person on the other end of the phone.

No matter what the man did, there is always something loathsome in the 'virtuous' indignation and mass-hatred of the 'majority.'...

"Naperville, Illinois, while being a loathsome, sprawling mess in many respects, has pretty snappy municipal internet.

And I hate that he says tourists are "economically significant but existentially loathsome".

Isn't making judgements about authenticity based on a few superficial details an even more loathsome exercise in hypocrisy?I do like EvanKelly's point here: "What is there to be genuine to.

Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action!

It is, in lines and gridlock and transaction after transaction, to confront a dimension of yourself that is as inescapable as it is painful: As a tourist, you become economically significant but existentially loathsome, an insect on a dead thing.

Worried about having someone steal your invaluable Twitter or Instagram username?The solution is obviously to immediately litter all your social media accounts with such foul loathsome toxic content that no one else would want to touch them again for at least the next 1000 years.

Loathsome definitions


causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

See also: nauseating nauseous noisome queasy offensive sickening vile


highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"