Showdown in a sentence as a noun

The choices are bleak and the showdowns are commencing.

What you've got now is a showdown between scumbag nations.

There's no way someone like Icahn would have a chance of besting Musk in a showdown.

Maybe the world is finally ridding itself of showdown.

I think we are going to see a massive showdown over crypto backdoors, the likes of which we have not seen yet.

Some of these quirks are inherited from the original markdown, some are unique to showdown.

One outrageous incident was his arm-wrestling showdown \n with the CEO of Stevens Aviation in 1992.

Try to be a little bit less busy with the showdown maquillage of political correctness and overthinking.

Neither player 2 nor 3 fold and eventually show their hands.\nThus player 2 wins not by having the best hand, but by getting the player with the best hand to fold AND winning the showdown.

This is _extremely_ confusing and messy to those who are not familiar with a code, and the original author of showdown, as far as I know, no longer maintains the project.

If you want more details I'll gladly point you to the excellent and canonical reference for this: Shi, Casey, Ertl and Gregg: "Virtual machine showdown: Stack versus registers.

As another redditor points out, he may be in for a painful 1099-reclassified-as-employee showdown with the tax and employment authoritiesAnd yet, good on him.

Otherwise if he tried anonymous leaks, the first time we heard his name it would be on a news report based on gov sources going something like 'high school drop out and suspected drug user ed showdown is on the run from the FBI, after stealing classified government information vital to the fight against terrorism, and has fled to the protection of comminist china.

Showdown definitions


a hostile disagreement face-to-face

See also: confrontation encounter face-off