Showcase in a sentence as a noun

We'll showcase the best homepages that link to our lyrics in the most creative way.

So it's a vicious cycle you need to get out of by piling up showcase work as soon as possible.

This is an awesome question.> I've been wondering how I could preserve my work to showcase in the future.

These examples showcase the importance of typesetting as much as they do typeface choice.

You should showcase at least a single sample of a compressed vs uncompressed image right there on the first page, before the Features section.

* Work on the side on your own project, something that's production worthy and you can showcase if the above steps haven't worked till then.

They're a showcase of the best articles on the site, and are p a i n s t a k i n g l y vetted by the WP community.

" Put the two together and you get a de jure ban on certain things and a de facto ban on anything that might be sold in the same showcase as those things.

They may seem "pointless" or "a waste of time" to some PHB-types but they're a wonderful showcase of a great, true-hacker culture and I bet they do a ton for morale.

It is, however, a stunning showcase of some amazing new technologies in the form of a fairly conventional shooter.

He taught us accessibility guidelines, about the necessity to seperate content and design, and eventually told us about CSS Zen Garden to showcase how it was possible to achieve multiple layouts with a single content page.

This site is almost a showcase of things not to do when designing a content site... inconsistent navigation, surprise interactivity, low contrast font/background combinations, inconsistent typography, icons thrown all over the place.

Showcase definitions


a setting in which something can be displayed to best effect; "it was a showcase for democracy in Africa"


a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home

See also: case vitrine