Shortsightedness in a sentence as a noun

The thought of firing Yegge over a rant would signal extreme shortsightedness to me...

Agree that it's shortsightedness. But I think the problem goes much deeper: We keep building one-offs.

Working outside of PHP for some time, I've come to realize the shortsightedness I labored under, and would fully love to have this. I'm not 100% sure the votes on that page are from May 2011 - it's hard to tell for sure.

They're human beings, not NPCs. Subtract the stupidity and shortsightedness from their position and see what's left. If you're honest with yourself, you may not like what you see.

And I know that bad choices and shortsightedness mean you are living off government benefits in a skeezy trailer park, a parent before the age of 20, and never leaving your home state. I do count my blessings.

The shortsightedness of people is incredible to me: "this is a problem in my city, therefore it will be a problem in every city on the planet for the rest of time". Uh, okay.

It's this type of shortsightedness/inattention to detail/poor logic that sent the author down this path of scorched earth bullying. >How does anyone go from that to suggesting the artist is supporting rape?

The shortsightedness of this sales approach is astounding. It's not even that this is a particularly ingenious move by Apple, it's just common sense.

No; the shortsightedness comes in when they assume that just because their product fills a gap, the same gap will always exist. Nobody is ever guaranteed that something bigger, better, and bundled won't come along.

Beyond the five or six great exceptions, which are the wonder of their age, contemporary admiration is nothing but shortsightedness. - Victor Hugo

Kindness is nothing but a particular sort of shortsightedness. Being a decent and moral person often requires one to do something that is entirely correct but deeply unkind.

The real lesson here is speculation and shortsightedness never changes and this is 1999 all over again. Looking forward to the coming IPOs of Pinterest, Snapchat, Rap Genius!

It's another example of shortsightedness by the USG,but fortuitous in this case. The technology described in this article will likely be used to circumvent domestic USG intentions within 10 years.

It also shows some significant shortsightedness regarding scaling laws which an AI researcher ought to have more experience with. A more legitimate worry would be basement-grade Predator drones.

In short, the problem is not a large population, nor lots of consumption, but the side-effects of these things, and the shortsightedness that leads people to disregard them. Gotta maintain the distinction between terminal values and instrumental ones.

I'm looking forward to the day when big studios & their greedy shortsightedness get disrupted. The penultimate frontier of disintermediation.

Unfortunately, big media companies in their infinite shortsightedness decided to torpedo the project. By contrast, the app solution would be totally voluntary on the part of the content owners, but less elegant.

Something that has been concerning to me over the past few years is the shortsightedness at the national level. Sure, a national endeavor for growth can include tax policies, broadband programs, educational reform, capital investments, flexible monetary policies, etc.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I believe less and less that the industry cartels' behavior is about simple shortsightedness and greed, and more and more that their behavior is about control of human culture and suppression of culture they don't control.

Voter preference, individual rights, domain name sanctity, jurisdiction, shortsightedness with regard to keeping control of TLD's, futility of the fight, all have no bearing when uncontested lobby money wants something, and doubly so when states think it will mean more tax dollars in their pockets.

Shortsightedness definitions


(ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred

See also: myopia nearsightedness


a lack of prudence and care by someone in the management of resources

See also: improvidence