Nearsightedness in a sentence as a noun

I think nearsightedness on what's best 'now' and 'for ourselves', leads to a lot of work that feels like it doesn't matter.

The short nearsightedness of some of these comments is amazing. Kudos to be reasonable.

Wow. The stupidity and nearsightedness exposed in this article is astounding.

Most of nearsightedness, and farsightedness cases are caused by irregular size of cornea. A 3D generated cushion from the outside, would be able to perhaps make a groundbreaking change in eye care services.

It also potentially enables those with diminished eye sight or nearsightedness for greater accuracy. On top of that, at least as it stands right now, it makes the operation of a long-range rifle safer and more effective.

My brain didn't program itself for vision quite right when I was an infant due to strong nearsightedness at birth so I don't experience this effect. While the eye which is closed receives – 'less attention' is the best way I can put it – I perceive blackness in that portion of my visual field.

From wikipedia: > Myopes considering refractive surgery are advised that surgically correcting their nearsightedness may be a disadvantage after age 40, when the eyes become presbyopic and lose their ability to accommodate or change focus, because they will then need to use glasses for reading

Nearsightedness definitions


(ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred

See also: myopia shortsightedness