Shoddiness in a sentence as a noun

That degree of shoddiness is a mark of societal dysfunction...

I should have said "supposed shoddiness". My point was not that the welfare state is shoddy but that, if you support the welfare state, mistakes like this should bother you more, not less.

This has always been the best option, and it explains the overall shoddiness of the Bitcoin exchange scene.

Is the shoddiness of the house necessarily because I hurried? No. It's because I didn't acquire the required skill sets first.

For example, KDE4 caught a lot of flak for shoddiness and flakiness before its first release. That happens to a lot of software, and it's completely unfair.

If there's ever a case that demonstrates the shoddiness software patents that are granted these days it's this one. Only 1 of 10 original patents in the suit remain as valid!

Which are its shoddiness, its lack of administrative rigor, and so on. These objections raise the question: can a welfare state be effective if it's administered so poorly?

> Which are its shoddiness: I mean, they sent what, $34m overseas erroneously of $2T? Doing some quick napkin math, for every $1,000,000 spent, $10 accidentally went overseas?

So, all companies can independently evaluate a piece of software and developers can't hide their shoddiness.

If it is easier to apologise & easier to be forgiven for vendor shoddiness, it creates an incentive to outsource dirty work.

Opera would be great if it handled nonstandard html gracefully for me instead of telling me about its high horse and the shoddiness of the websites I use.

I always hated Facebook's app because it wreaked of shoddiness and flaunted it's lack of thoughtful development. I can't help but feel that they went and hired a bunch of brilliant programmers that had zero experience developing for the web.

Yes, I don't know the ins and outs of who owned the whole experience, but understanding the shoddiness of the roll out of their Android product in the past three years is very important!

I was also shocked by the general shoddiness of the document in general. So many ambiguous issues, and so many areas where potential disputes were left unaddressed.

Because, as I said in my original post, "[shoddiness, etc] represents the best objections to the welfare state". In other words, blithe dismissals like "I accept some inefficienies and waste" provide the other side with the best possible ammunition against the idea of a welfare state.

"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy as an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy; neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water." J. Gardner

The fact that Google is willing to arrange payment to the Guild for rights to works that the Guild doesn't have the power to grant says a lot about the lack of research and general shoddiness of Google's transactions and antitrust legal teams.

That sure gives someone pause; when I signed my own name in ink to give my personal guarantee that the test passed and was all in order, I sure didn't accept any ambiguities or shoddiness. Those signed, dated test documents would get a double-check by QA and if that was the final test, sealed in an envelope with a signature over the seal, and securely stored against the customer performing a random inspection or against anyone ever needing to come back and verify that for a given version, at a given time, the tests did pass.

Shoddiness definitions


the quality of being cheaply imitative of something better

See also: trashiness


the property of weakness by virtue of careless construction

See also: flimsiness