Sextillion in a sentence as a noun

Or, in the rarer case, "sextillion" -> 10^21 = 10^3 * 10^18 -> "tysiąc trylionów".

Say you're given a sextillion doors, and you pick one lonesome door, call it door A.

Is the chance of a single virion infecting a cell 1 in a sextillion, or only 1 in a million?

For a more than 50% chance of a collision, more than 4 sextillion hashes[1] would have to be generated, compared to 1 septillion hashes[2] for the normal digest.

The JT Quantum Computer leverages the quantum multiverse to generate random numbers and pattern distributions via the entangled interactions of five sextillion atoms.

Even then, 10^3 = thousand 10^6 = million 10^9 = billion 10^12 = trillion 10^15 = quadrillion, or thousand trillion 10^18 = quintillion, or million trillion 10^21 = sextillion, or billion trillion 10^24 = heptillion, or trillion trillion 10^27 = octillion, or thousand trillion trillion 10^30 = nonillion, or million trillion trillion 10^33 = decillion, or billion trillion trillion 10^36 = undecillion, or trillion trillion trillion One of those numbering conventions is not tremendously useful, and the other is very very very stupid.

> Green thinks this scenario is so unlikely to occur twice that he hired a sports analytics firm to determine the odds were a mere “1-in-8 sextillion.”The fact this plaintiff implicitly argued the probability of fictional and non-fictional events are equal, made me realise that perhaps the seemingly moronic arguments we hear about from litigation in the technical world aren't all down to incompetence in reasoning about technology - just incompetence in reasoning about reality in general, but I guess people will say anything when they believe the opposition is wrong regardless of the implications of their insane reasoning.

Sextillion definitions


the number that is represented as a one followed by 21 zeros