Sermon in a sentence as a noun

Did you even read the thing or are you just giving the sermon for the upvotes?

If I was a kid either dropping out of school or just out of school your sermon would be well applied.

I also expect people to be able to discuss last Sunday's sermon on the street.

And the silence of the cross is the most eloquent sermon about the power of love.

A blog post is pretty much a sermon even if you have a little box where people can leave "comments.

We need news sources like this to practice the globalization sermon they all preach.

If you ever sat through a sermon by a competent preacher, they're just loaded with scripted stories like this.

How many priests/pastors injected this story into the sermon today?

As it stands, the rant preys more on the emotions of the audience it is directed to, much like a Rush Limbaugh sermon, it's not going to sway many people, because it offers few if any specifics.

It's sermon about 'those people' and the choir's Schadenfreude...and then once the act writing this comment hit 'Schadenfreude', I had to ask myself is it a good article by HN standards?Empirically, probably yes.

For example, it is often slower for me to find a specific passage in the iPhone Bibles than in the physical book, which is problematic if I am trying to follow along the sermon, since the passage is often finished by the time I locate it in the app.

Religion, as sexuality, should only be visible at home, and expecting a fair treatment of atheism in public is as silly as expecting to be allowed to hold your boyfriends hand in public or expecting to be allowed to discuss last Sundays sermon on the street.

An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant.

So, why not just wait for the Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck from one of the Catholic churches to come around with free food, hot chocolate, and clothes, no strings attached, no questions asked, no sermons given, no lifestyles challenged?The assumption that the homeless are homeless because of things outside their control is not true.

Sermon definitions


an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)

See also: discourse preaching


a moralistic rebuke; "your preaching is wasted on him"

See also: preaching