Sentiment in a sentence as a noun

Just to reduce the sentiment to its most absurd, should Obama stay inside the White House for his whole term?

There seems to be a lot of sentiment that Wikipedia should stay out of politics.

" I've heard this same sentiment over, and over, and over from friends and lawyers with regard to my case, but guess what?

What really pisses me of is this sentiment of thinking of non-US citizens as second class humans.

I don't disagree with the direction of your sentiment, just the magnitude of the word you are using.

And sadly this sentiment is also present in part of the media coverage.

I believe that this sort of sentiment is a symptom of not having answered for yourself the question: "what makes a good life good".

If they have such a low opinion of their customers, who is to say they won't have the same sentiment towards their employees.

I agree with the sentiment here, but some of the specific claims are certainly wince-worthy.

I'm a little surprised by all of the anti-VC sentiment in this thread so far, especially from this community.

As a realistic person, I realize that sentiment does not alter a situation so it's hard to be encouraging.

Presumably he knew the odds that "they" would track him down anyway, and by going public he has a chance to leverage popular public sentiment as a shield of sorts.

The comments and questions in AMAs rarely express novel insight -- usually, someone pipes up with a popular sentiment, like asking President Obama to stop using drone strikes.

I simply do not understand this anti-college anti-credentialling sentiment.

While I like the sentiment here, I think the danger is that engineers might come to the mistaken conclusion that making pizzas is the primary limiting reagent to running a successful pizzeria.

I think the analogy is if thousands of brilliant engineers were working for a fossil-fuel power company - it would be a natural reaction to say "Gee I wish all those boffins were working on renewable energy instead".You might not agree with it, but it is a legitimate sentiment.

Sentiment definitions


tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion


a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"

See also: opinion persuasion view thought