Sensationalism in a sentence as a noun

With big science news like this, it's always best to go to the source[0] to avoid sensationalism.

This article seems suspect in its sensationalism, not for the facts presented, but for the ones not addressed.

Chalk up one more win for sensationalism and fear-mongering.

They too often focus on gossip and sensationalism.

You expect that sort of sensationalism from journalists, not from a security "expert".

I'm getting tired of extremetech blogspam and sensationalism.

That's probably a reference to Steve Jobs declaring "thermonuclear war" on Android - the sensationalism is from Apple, not the article's writers/editors.

I suspect some of the overwhelming negativity is due to the continued creep of sensationalism; you simply don't get many hits for calling something a bit ****, only calling it the worst thing ever.

There are multiple alternatives; we are the nth civilization in a real universe, we are the nth to the nth civilization in the multiverse, etc. Sloppy sensationalism and bad statistical reasoning in this article.

Am I one of the minorities who believe that this hype about Ebola is more sensationalism and news than an actual pandemic we should be fearful for?Let's take a lot at what we can agree on:* The number of cases of infected patients is fairly small.

Sensationalism definitions


subject matter that is calculated to excite and please vulgar tastes


the journalistic use of subject matter that appeals to vulgar tastes; "the tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation"

See also: luridness


(philosophy) the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good

See also: sensualism


(philosophy) the doctrine that knowledge derives from experience

See also: empiricism