Self-satisfaction in a sentence as a noun

In that moment of weariness and self-satisfaction, the temptation is greatest to give up, not to strive for the peak of quality.

It reminds one that complaining about "too much work" is often just a poor excuse for petrifying in a niche of self-satisfaction and comfort.

Meanwhile, those of us continuing to succeed in the "tech backwaters" of the US will be forever amused by the smug self-satisfaction coming out of the "cool" cities.

US and UK companies throw their hands up in empty self-satisfaction that their work is so intellectually difficult that people up to the challenge are impossible to find.

Mostly, a sense of smug self-satisfaction - and I get more of that when I give to one without checking what they do, than when I've looked into it and found they support my political agenda.

Or ignore me and post a link to a wiki page titled "tone argument" because your self-satisfaction for participating in a cause is more important to you than your efficacy at it.

I can see why people who know Vim would never leave, it's a powerful and besides the self-satisfaction of mastering a highly complicated editor, those I know of who use it can code like the wind.

These days its more about designing jobs from which the employee can derive some self-satisfaction and than providing business context so employees can self-direct toward the company's goals.

The most effective use of hyperbole is not the emphasis of a particular point, but a caution not to take ourselves too seriously, and place our self-satisfaction in proper perspective.

I think HR would have a huge headache separating the self-satisfaction people who coincidentally have huge talent from pathological control freaks, and fame seekers, and pathological types who just want to see the world burn, and probably other weirdos.

Self-satisfaction definitions


the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself; "his complacency was absolutely disgusting"

See also: complacency complacence self-complacency