Pathological in a sentence as an adjective

There some pathological "wealth addicts" in finance, but not that many; and there are far more in the VC-funded startup world.

This strikes me as something that could just as easily be due to a pathological set of rules one user created.

I second, third, and fourth the notion about pathological customers.

This "dirty checking" can quickly lead to pathological performance issues.

And the reason is common among all Google products, to the extent it's almost pathological in the company: they are engineers first.

You are the pathological customer in the ad-driven content consumption world of the Internet.

You have to convince people to pay you money for your services, you have to be able to service those customers profitably, and the customers are disproportionately pathological.

I tend to play on isotropic even when playing face-to-face games because it's 2x faster normally, and there are some pathological cases where it's over an order of magnitude faster.

Many real-world networking protocol design scenarios do not have a known non-pathological implementation.

One of the issues here that wasn't mentioned, facing independent developers, is the almost pathological tendency of some people/groups in the F/OSS community to clone any even mildly successful product for no particular reason.

This leads to pathological garbage collection scenarios, the old "holding onto an object just long enough to make it really expensive to GC".Kafka, on the other hand, when you write a message to the broker the broker writes it immediately to disk queue rather than holding it in memory.

Every now and then I start thinking that Poulsen is starting to get the hang of honest journalism and some amount of professionalism, and then something like this comes along that makes it obvious he's still the same pathological attention ***** whose primary hacking talents amounted to getting caught a lot.

Would you tell those with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia that their suffering is simply due to a pathological awareness of the disorders themselves?Warning the public against overmedication is one thing, but I for one am fed up with the stigma attached to seeking medical help for mental illness.

Pathological definitions


of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory"

See also: pathologic


caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition; "a pathological liar"; "a pathological urge to succeed"


caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes"

See also: diseased morbid pathologic