Self-propelling in a sentence as an adjective

Most of this social machine is build from self-propelling myths, so if you would keep that up, agism dissolved.

I hope Streisand effect takes over China in a self-propelling feedback loop until this whole show comes crashing down.

Nitpick: self-propelling cars are not a distinguishing property for light rail.

Well yes, but he's the cheapest provider of self-propelling pyres, and the only provider of pyres that can be used multiple times.

" instead of understanding it as part of a relationship between people, their environment, and their artifacts, technology gets put on some magical self-propelling trajectory that just isn't true.

I didn't say Russia isn't paying some people to post on /pol/ and other places, just that /pol/ in general is very likely more self-propelling rather than firmly in the control of any one group, including Russian intelligence/trolls.>These days Russians largely run the American conspiracy theorist scene, including people like Alex Jones and networks of similar influencers and their affiliatesDo you have proof?

Self-propelling definitions


containing within itself the means of propulsion or movement; "a self-propelled vehicle"

See also: automotive self-propelled


moved forward by its own force or momentum; "a self-propelled egotist"; "the arms program is now self-propelled"

See also: self-propelled