Self-propelled in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe a two-stage self-propelled plastic bullet could do the trick.

"Please keep us and our families in mind everytime you think of buying one of those new self-propelled buggies made by Ford..."

A riding mower instead of a self-propelled walk behind?We've always been pushing for ways that let us do things with less effort.

The sub-train system is something like a 20th-century subway system, in that it consists of a self-propelled train moving through an underground tunnel.

Going from flimsy paper to a gigantic, self-propelled metal box seems like a bit of an extreme, but it floats your boat?I still buy milk and eggs regularly and I don't have the issues you're talking about.

Indians were indeed the first to employ self-propelled artillery in a truly effective military capacity.

This could get arbitrarily ugly; I was ... disconcerted to see a still of a network video titled "Russian Tanks in the Ukraine" ... that actually showed self-propelled artillery, which means nothing good.

> In October, workers walked through the first\n > rings of the highway tunnel being built under\n > Seattleā€™s waterfront toward the _boring_ machine\n > called Bertha.\n\nWhat's so boring about a huge, self-propelled drill making a gigantic hole under a city?

Self-propelled definitions


containing within itself the means of propulsion or movement; "a self-propelled vehicle"

See also: automotive self-propelling


moved forward by its own force or momentum; "a self-propelled egotist"; "the arms program is now self-propelled"

See also: self-propelling