Scum in a sentence as a noun

When enough people treat you like scum, you feel like scum.

AT&T are scum and this sort of stuff is standard practice with them.

He does serve a purpose, and scum cleans out scum every once in a while.

You sound like sales guys scum trying to leverage the real makers in this project.

These companies and their\n leaders are scum to the highest degree.

Although he is scum, if there were virus's like him, large companies would live on forever and have nothing to fear.

Intellectual Ventures and all these other no-talent, pirate scum need to go down.

I might think you had a good idea, had you not followed a path so closely associated with the scum of the internet.

Scum in a sentence as a verb

It's an open secret that a huge amount of the internet advertising market is a hive of scum and villainy.

Yeah, politicians are fucjing scum a lot of the time and lie to the point where its easier to trust the ***** himself rather than a politican.

No doubt they will pin all this on the informant despite the fact that the prosecutors are complete scum that thought they could get away with hiding evidence.

When I've seen bottle gardens, they all develop a thick scum from minerals in condensation, algae, and bacterial plaques.

Yeah, politicians and associated scum are humans as well.......... unfortunately.

To the contrary, practically everyone involved in large-scale trafficking is human scum.

Welcome to HN, where showing your work gets you a "**** off", "scumbag", and "scum of the earth", all without an iota of positive feedback or constructive criticism!What a brilliant community, indeed!

Scum definitions


worthless people

See also: trash


a film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid


remove the scum from