Script in a sentence as a noun

In classic BSD startup was just one very large shell script in /etc/rc.

It was only when I noticed that the whole script was running on the free VPS server I had a backup on that things clicked!

I eventually moved on to writing whole sentences, entirely in this new script.

Someone hacked together a script that met their needs, and threw it up onto GitHub in case anyone else found it useful?

I'd do about an hour work a day, customize an existing script to process new data, then read for the remaining 6 hours.

I vaguely remember Rasmus running a script that calculated around 70 employees per VP.

The script requires one to specify a Github user account that owns the repository the issues will get migrated to.

Script in a sentence as a verb

The Docs team knows they'll never be competitive with Office until they can match its scripting facilities, but they're not getting any resource love.

Dependencies are handled by a mixture of those runlevels, and scripts that are run in alphabetical order within run levels.

If by some twist the intercom started working, you might not understand, because the conductors are bored and like to read the script as unintelligibly as they can.

I did a dry run on a fork of the main repo using my Github account, fixed up some issues in the script, and validated things to the best of my abilities.

We now have about 1700 issues on the trackerToday i finally wanted to tackle the issue tracker migration, using a Python script [1] i found on Github.

I can still knock together a shell script, tail -f a logfile and pipe it through grep, get some vague clue about why something crashed by casting my eye over a Java exception error, and make a lazy developer deeply uncomfortable when he realises that - would you believe it!

I was made aware of how much propaganda there is in Western movies by a comment here on HN:"The major exception here is the Department of Defense, which has an open but barely publicized relationship with Tinsel Town, whereby, in exchange for advice, men and invaluable equipment, such as aircraft carriers and helicopters, the Pentagon routinely demands flattering script alterations.

Script definitions


a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance

See also: book playscript


something written by hand; "she recognized his handwriting"; "his hand was illegible"

See also: handwriting hand


a particular orthography or writing system


write a script for; "The playwright scripted the movie"